Report it
If you are under 18, report online sexual abuse to one of our Child Protection Advisors at the CEOP Safety Centre.
If you're over 18, call 101 to speak to your local police.
If you're under 18, report online sexual abuse to one of our Child Protection Advisors at the CEOP Safety Centre.
If you're over 18, call 101 to speak to your local police.
If you're ever in immediate harm or danger:
Free, confidential support online and over the phone for young people under 19.
The Mix is a charity that provides free information and support for under 25s.
Every relationship is different - but you should always feel safe, loved and respected.
You shouldn’t feel scared, intimidated or controlled by someone who says they love you. If you feel that way, it could mean you are in an abusive relationship and need to seek support.
Abuse in a relationship can happen in lots of different ways and in different situations. People of any gender can abuse their partners in a relationship. You don’t even need to be an ‘official’ couple for a relationship to be abusive.
Abuse can be:
Sometimes, what feels like normal behaviour can actually be unacceptable and abusive.
Any form of abuse is never ok and it is never your fault. You always have the right to get help.
This film from Disrepect NoBody explains what abusive behaviour can look like.
Even if you recognise that you are in an abusive relationship, you might still have very strong feelings for your partner and may even love them. Someone that truly loves and cares about you would not subject you to any form of abuse. Remember that you deserve to be in a healthy relationship and you shouldn’t have to live with abuse because you love someone.
Trust yourself to know when something is wrong. It might feel like you’re alone but you’re not. You deserve to be safe and there are lots of people that can help you to end that relationship.
If you are under 18, report online sexual abuse to one of our Child Protection Advisors at the CEOP Safety Centre.
If you're over 18, call 101 to speak to your local police.
If you're ever in immediate harm or danger:
Free, confidential support online and over the phone for young people under 19.
The Mix is a charity that provides free information and support for under 25s.
Use their crisis messenger by texting THEMIX to 85258.