Children love watching videos online. In this article we look at how to talk to your child about inappropriate content and keeping safe when watching videos.
While social media offers opportunities for young people to stay connected, sexual content may impact on their understanding of sex and relationships.
Children love to socialise and share online. In this article we look at privacy settings and how they can help your child to manage the content they share and who they connect with.
Your children are probably the go-to IT advisor in the family, but security may not be their top priority. We’ve teamed up with The National Cyber Security Centre to give you some advice about how you and your family can work together to make some small changes to the security of your online accounts and devices to better protect yourselves from online scams.
Reports of online scares or challenges encouraging harmful or suicidal behaviours can be alarming and confusing. Here we look at how you can speak to your child about scares and challenges, and how to respond if they have seen one.
The internet can be a great place to keep in touch with friends and make new ones. Some people online will be genuine and supportive, but others may use the internet to look for sex and target young people. Read advice on what you can do if you're worried about something that has happened online to your child.