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  • Advice Romeo and Juliet

    Our new film highlights the ongoing need to talk to our children about sex, relationships and the internet.

  • Activity Home Safety Activities

    Support your children and enjoy being safer online as a family, using our home activity sheets and films on a range of online safety topics.

  • Advice Sharing pictures of your children

    Most parents love sharing photos of their children with friends and family. But remember - pictures you share online could impact your child in the future. Learn how to protect your child whilst staying social.

  • Advice Younger children sharing pictures or videos online

    If you are worried about a photo or video your child has shared online, there is plenty you can do to reduce the risks and make sure they stay safe.

  • Video or graphics Watch Jessie & Friends

    This series of three animations aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

  • Advice Worried your child has shared too much online?

    If your child has shared too much information online, don't panic. There are things you can do and organisations who can help safeguard and support your child.