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Digital Parenting Magazine

With over a million copies of the latest issue of Digital Parenting magazine having been distributed through schools and youth focused organisations across the country since October, it’s easy to see how in demand clear and accessible information for parents and carers on safely exploring the digital world really is.

The annual Digital Parenting magazine, a collaboration between Parent Zone and Vodafone, helps families get to grips with the digital world by providing parents and carers with practical information and advice from teachers, parents and online safety experts on a range of subjects.

Due to overwhelming demand, additional copies of Issue 5 of the magazine have been printed and are now available to order for free from the Parent Zone website. This is a great resource to give out to the parent and carers of the children and young people that you work with, and it can also be used to inform your own knowledge on topics ranging from keeping children safe from online exploitation or abuse through to bloggers and recommended screen time.

The latest issue features a number of articles including the topics of:

  • Digital resilience and why it’s important
  • Parental controls – tools and settings
  • Gaming – PEGI ratings explained and keeping children safe whilst they play
  • Sexting and the law
  • Popular apps and social media – exploring why children and young people love it so much
  • Cybercrime and protecting your family

A printable and downloadable version of the latest edition of Digital Parenting magazine can also be found here.