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Resource for Relationships and Sex Education

To coincide with their 30th anniversary the Sex Education Forum have produced a poster explaining what is needed for good quality relationships and sex education (RSE) in a school setting.

The 12 points of the statement on the poster are based on research evidence and are supported by a wide range of partners, including NSPCC, Barnardo's, The Children's Society, NCB, the PSHE Association, and education unions ASCL, NASUWT, NEU, NAHT and UNISON.

The Sex Education Forum have produced the poster now because:

  • the evidence base for good quality RSE is well established – we know what constitutes good practice
  • The start date for statutory RSE is September 2019 but schools can start preparing for that now, as consideration will need to be given to timetabling, staffing, curriculum and training
  • While waiting for the updated Government guidance on RSE schools can take confidence from the poster about what constitutes good practice. 

Schools are invited to download and use the statement to make their own commitment to good quality RSE. Whether a school's RSE is already well established, or needs further improvement, the poster can be displayed, shared with parents, staff and governors and used as a springboard to develop the quality of RSE provision the school is working towards. 

Download the Sex Education Forum schools poster displaying 'Our school is committed to RSE….'

Educators and organisations that support schools with RSE can display their own statement of commitment. 

Download the supporter poster displaying 'We are committed to RSE….'

A4 and A3 versions of both versions of the poster are available to download from the Sex Education Forum website -  download from the Sex Education Forum website.