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Online Safety in Schools and Colleges: Questions from the Governing Board

The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) have developed a set of five questions that align with five key components of online safety. These questions are designed to be used by governors to help support them with their responsibility to ensure that children are safe online in their school or college.

The questions can be used on a regular basis by the governing board to track their school or college’s progress in keeping children safe online. The questions can also be used by the leadership team within an education setting to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to keep children and young people safe online.

The aims of the questions are to:

  • Gain a basic understanding of the school’s current approach to keeping children safe online.
  • Learn how to improve this approach where appropriate; and find out about tools which can be used to improve the approach.

The document provides examples of good and outstanding practice, as well as identifying when governors should be concerned.

 You can access the report here.