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Police in the classroom: a handbook for the police and PSHE teachers

What is it?

This non-statutory handbook provides guidance on using police expertise to support delivery of the PSHE curriculum. Police expertise can be used when delivering topics such as drugs education, road safety and raising awareness of online safety.

The handbook covers:

  • The benefits for police, schools and pupils of using police staff to add value to the PSHE curriculum
  • The key principles for effective partnership between schools and police
  • What effective practice looks like including planning and delivering sessions
  • How to respond to challenges such as disclosures and challenging behaviour

You’ll also find checklists for schools and police staff to use before delivering a PSHE session.

The handbook was developed by the PSHE Association in partnership with the National Police Chief’s Council.

How to use it

Use the guidance to make sure that police contributions to PSHE lessons are effective so that young people are supported to stay safe, recognise and respond safely to risk  the consequences of their actions and know where to go for further support.

Who should use it

Police staff and teachers in schools, particularly those responsible for delivering PSHE.

Where to find it

Download the guidance here.

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