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All the latest news from CEOP Education. Each resource has a detailed description covering key aims and suggestions for delivery to children and young people.

Showing 25 to 36 of 46 results


Five key takeaways from the DfE’s new online safety guidance

As a part of its commitment to support schools with delivering the new Relationships (and Sex) Education and Health Education curriculum, the DfE has released new guidance to help you to teach online safety. We take you through the five key things you need to know about the new guidance.



How to support LGBT+ young people to stay safe online

Research has found that one of the most positive aspects of being online for LGBT+ young people is the opportunity to connect with like-minded people and access specialist support, in a way that is more challenging offline. Understand how you can help the LGBT+ young people you work with to explore their identity online in the safest way.



Keeping UK children safe online: have your say

In April 2019, the UK government published three policy and practice initiatives relating to child exploitation and online safety. For each of these documents, you have the opportunity to have your say. Read a brief outline of each document and why they are significant for professionals who work with children



3 tools from UKCIS to help you to protect children online

NCA-CEOP is an active member of the UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS), a collaborative forum through which the government, the tech community and the third sector work together to make sure the UK is the safest place in the world to be online. Take a look at how 3 tools developed by UKCIS can support you with some of your key responsibilities in helping to protect children online.



How you can keep your under 7s safe online

It is more than likely that the under 7s you work with are spending a significant amount of their life online watching videos, gaming, and connecting with friends. Take a look at the following resources designed to help you develop an effective approach to educating your 4-7s on how to navigate their online world safely.



Screen time: should we be worried?

There have long been claims that children are harmed by excessive screen time, often suggesting a causal link with outcomes including obesity, mental health issues, and low educational attainment. However, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health suggests otherwise. Read more about how you can help the young people you work with to balance their time online and offline more effectively.



How you can keep young people safer online over the Christmas period ... and beyond!

No doubt you'll be working with a young person who has asked for some form of technology that links to the internet for Christmas. Here are four steps you can take to make sure that young people are safer online over Christmas and beyond.



Digital Families 2018: Responding to the risks of live streaming

Marie Smith, Head of Education at CEOP (National Crime Agency) will be speaking at Digital Families 2018 on how to support young people to stay safer on popular live streaming platforms.



The Dark Web: what is it and why do people use it?

Adults may be concerned about young people visiting the 'Dark Web', especially as press reports often link them with dangerous or illegal online activity. Being aware of the basic facts about these parts of the internet can help you give realistic and honest support to young people if you're concerned they are using them. Here's a short explainer on the 'Dark Web', how it can be accessed and what are the risks.


Computer skills for the future

At CEOP we often hear from adults who feel concerned that young people may become involved in using the dark web, hacking or other types of ‘cybercrime’. This blog looks at how we can support young people who have an interest in coding and computing to learn positive skills in a safe environment for the future.



Snapchat’s latest feature: Snap Map

Snapchat have launched their newest feature, Snap Maps. This enables users to track others' location with a high level of accuracy. This blog post discusses the implications of this feature for young people and their safety.



A Numbers Game

Many social media platforms and apps give young people the option to like, love and share images and content; this online behaviour can often quantify popularity and approval amongst peers. This blog post explores the impact of ‘likes’ on young people and how we can support young people to navigate their online world.


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Helpful answers to questions we’re commonly asked by professionals working with children and young people.


Stay informed with legal, policy and research based guidance on how to support young people and help prevent online child sexual abuse.