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Stay informed about developments relating to the law, policy, education and research and how to support children and young people at risk of, or experiencing, child sexual abuse.

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Supporting young people to take down nudes shared online

Find out how to support the young people you work with when they have had nude images shared online, including new guidance for professionals on Report Remove.


Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: Responding to incidents and safeguarding children and young people (Wales)

Understand how to respond effectively to incidents involving the sharing of nudes and semi-nudes in education settings in Wales, with non-statutory guidance from Welsh Government as a part of the UK Council for Internet Safety. Get guidance and support on risk assessing incidents, safeguarding and supporting children and young people, and providing education the sharing of nudes and semi-nudes.

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Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation - Progress Report

This report gives an update on action the government is taking to deal with child sexual exploitation. This includes working hard before abuse takes place to deter potential offenders; improving resilience and reducing vulnerability in children and young people; and supporting victims and survivors.

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Financially motivated sexual extortion: alert for education settings

Read the full alert from NCA CEOP Education on financially motivated sexual extortion

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CSA Centre new guidance: communicating with children

The Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) has published a guide for professionals on communicating with children who have, or may have, been sexually abused. Find out more.

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Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service

SWGfL and the Marie Collins Foundation have launched a service to support professionals with advice and guidance around how to handle cases or incidents of harmful sexual behaviour in children and young people.

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A guide for parents and carers: Talking to your child about online sexual harassment

A new resource for parents and carers launched by the Children’s Commissioner for England about online sexual harassment and how they can support children to stay safer online.

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Schools and teachers targeted in TikTok videos

A recent online trend has seen children and young people creating TikTok videos to mock, bully or harass teachers. The Professional Online Safety Helpline (POSH), who have been working with TikTok to try and remove content, have shared guidance for teachers and schools.

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UKCIS Digital Passport

The Digital Passport, created by the UK Council for Internet Safety aims to help children, young people and their carers to make the most of technology through relationship building and communication. The tool helps carers to start a conversation with children and young people about their online life, and offers them a space to express their wishes and feelings.

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Harmful online challenges and online hoaxes

Understand how to respond effectively to incidents involving harmful online challenges and online hoaxes with this non-statutory advice from the Department for Education. Get guidance and advice on preparing in advance for any online challenges and hoaxes, safeguarding children and young people, sharing information with parents and carers and where to get help and support.

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Online Safety Audit Tool for newly qualified teachers

The UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS) online safety audit tool helps mentors of trainee teachers (ITTs) and newly qualified teachers (NQTs) induct mentees and provide ongoing support, development and monitoring. The tool is designed to help ITTs and NQTs better understand their role in keeping children safe online and their school’s policy and practice.

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Why CSA education isn't suitable for assemblies

We all have a duty to safeguard children, so delivering important messaging in assemblies may seem like a good way to reach all the children in your setting. However, not all education is suitable or safe to deliver in this way, particularly education to protect children from online sexual abuse. Find out more...