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Stay informed about developments relating to the law, policy, education and research and how to support children and young people at risk of, or experiencing, child sexual abuse.

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Showing 37 to 48 of 86 results

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Online Harms White Paper

The Online Harms White Paper was released by the government in April 2019. The White Paper sets out the government’s plans to tackle online harms and will make companies more responsible for their users’ safety online, especially children and other vulnerable groups.

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Managing the impact of social media on young people’s mental health and wellbeing

A report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Media and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Inquiry. This is the first national inquiry specifically examining the impact of social media on the mental health and wellbeing of young people, which ran from April 2018 to January 2019.

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Vulnerable children in the digital world

Internet Matters has launched a research report ‘Vulnerable children in the digital world’ exploring the potential online risks faced by different groups of young people. Based on a survey of 38,000 young people, it explores the online experiences of children and young people with SEN, mental health difficulties, and family and social vulnerabilities.

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Love Life: resources for young people with learning difficulties

Do you work with young people with SEND? The NSPCC have created the ‘Love Life’ series of films which help young people with SEND explore concepts such as relationships, feelings, love and boundaries, supporting them to be safe online and offline.

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Police in the classroom: a handbook for the police and PSHE teachers

Make sure that police expertise is used effectively in the classroom when delivering the PSHE curriculum by following best practice guidance from the PSHE Association in partnership with the National Police Chief’s Council. You will find support with planning and delivering sessions and responding to challenges.

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Safeguarding children and protecting professionals in early years settings: online safety considerations

Ensure online safeguarding practice in your early years setting is in line with statutory requirements and suggested best practice with guidance from the UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS). Separate documents are available for early years managers and practitioners.

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Using external visitors to support online safety

Make informed decisions regarding the engagement of external visitors to deliver online safety education in your setting with non-statutory advice from the UK Council for Internet Safety. It includes a checklist of key questions that will help you to ensure the maximum impact of online safety sessions.

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Hopes and Streams Report

Read LGfL findings from its 2018 online safety survey to gain a better understanding of what children love and hate about being online, what happens when they are online, and who they trust when things go wrong.

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Engaging young people in relationships and sex education

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) will be compulsory in all schools in England from September 2020. Read Barnardo's study into young people's views around what should be taught in RSE.

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Relationships and sex education lesson plans

Access lesson plans and guidance from the NSPCC and the PSHE Association designed to help you teach relationships and sex education to children aged 10 to 16. The resources cover topics such as transition to secondary school, online safety and online friendships, sexualised behaviour, and sharing sexual images.

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Trends in online child sexual exploitation: Examining the distribution of captures of live-streamed child sexual abuse

A new research report by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) has highlighted statistics on children being groomed, coerced and blackmailed into live-streaming their own sexual abuse over webcams, tablets and mobile phones. The report reveals that 98% of images found were of children aged 13 and under, 28% were aged 10 or under.

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Parenting for a Digital Future: Survey Report 3

LSE have released the third in a series of reports on parenting and digital technologies. 'What do parents think, and do, about their children’s online privacy?' explores the issue of what parents think and do about their child’s privacy online and highlights that privacy is a top concern for parents.

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Why CSA education isn't suitable for assemblies

We all have a duty to safeguard children, so delivering important messaging in assemblies may seem like a good way to reach all the children in your setting. However, not all education is suitable or safe to deliver in this way, particularly education to protect children from online sexual abuse. Find out more...