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Stay informed about developments relating to the law, policy, education and research and how to support children and young people at risk of, or experiencing, child sexual abuse.

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Showing 73 to 84 of 86 results

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Parent Zone

Parent Zone provides expert information to families and schools. They find, curate and check the best available information on all of the issues that are caused or amplified by the internet. This resource is designed to be used by parents carers to children of all ages.

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A Child's Legal Rights

Under UK law, children are afforded rights that must be upheld by their families and professionals with whom they have contact. NSPCC detail a child's legal rights relating to issues from housing to the legal working age.

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Child Sexual Abuse: Legislation, Policy and Guidance

Each nation has a legislative framework to protect children from adults who may pose a risk of sexual harm and to deal with adults who have sexually offended against children. The NSPCC have provided a summary of the government policy and guidance for responding to child sexual abuse in each nation.

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Children and Young People Who Engage in Technology-Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Little is known about the full range of technolgy-assisted harmful sexual behaviour (TA-HSB) displayed by children and young people. The NSPCC have researched the behaviours, background and characteristics of children who engage in this behaviour. The paper makes suggestions for further research into this complex issue.

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Disrespect NoBody

Disrespect NoBody is a campaign created by the Home Office. It is aimed at young people aged 12-18 years and explores the issues of consent; healthy relationships and relationship abuse. This is a useful resource for professionals working with parents and young people and delivers important messages regarding young people's relationships.

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Real Love Rocks

The Real Love Rocks website is created by Barnardo's. This is an online space designed to raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation. It hosts resources for parents and professionals to explore healthy and safe relationships with children and young people. There is a wealth of information for young people; parents and professionals on the site.

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Murder Games

The BBC have created a set of films and resources focusing on the tragic murder of 14 year old Breck Bednar. Breck was groomed by a male he met on a gaming server. These films discuss grooming tactics used on gaming platforms and speak to Breck's friends and family about their experiences.

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Online Safety in Schools and Colleges: Questions from the Governing Board

The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) has developed a set of five questions (focusing on five key components of online safety) to support governors with their responsibility to ensure that children are safe online in their school or college. These questions can be used on a regular basis by the governing board to track their school or college’s progress in keeping children safe online.

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Share Aware

The NSPCC Share Aware campaign provides straightforward, no-nonsense advice for parents of 8-12 year old children, to help them talk to their children about staying safe on social networks. Share Aware also includes resources help teachers to deliver lessons around staying safe online, particularly in relation to sharing images and chatting to strangers.

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Working with children who are victims or at risk of sexual exploitation

This paper sets out the issue of child sexual exploitation and the models and processes used to exploit children and young people. It then explains the ‘4 As’ (Assertive outreach, Advocacy, Attention and Access) on which Barnardo’s work has been based from a practitioner’s perspective. This paper has been developed for a broad audience, including those who wish to learn about effective and evidence-based engagement with children at risk of, and those who have been victims of, sexual exploitation.

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Key Principles of Effective Prevention Education

Produced in partnership between the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) and the PSHE Association, this report outlines 11 key principles of effective practice in prevention education. These principles will help PSHE education professionals to teach high-quality online safety education as part of their broader PSHE programmes.

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Power of Image Report

For Safer Internet Day 2017, 1,500 young people aged 8-17 years took part in an online survey conducted by ResearchBods and commissioned by the UK Safer Internet Centre. The aim was to explore the role of images and videos in young people’s digital lives and the influence this can have on their self-esteem, behaviour and emotions.

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Why CSA education isn't suitable for assemblies

We all have a duty to safeguard children, so delivering important messaging in assemblies may seem like a good way to reach all the children in your setting. However, not all education is suitable or safe to deliver in this way, particularly education to protect children from online sexual abuse. Find out more...