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Stay informed about developments relating to the law, policy, education and research and how to support children and young people at risk of, or experiencing, child sexual abuse.

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Showing 61 to 72 of 86 results

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#SayNo campaign

In response to an increase in the online coercion and extortion of children, often referred to as ‘sextortion’ or ‘webcam blackmailing’, the European law enforcement community has joined forces with partners from the private sector to launch a campaign, #Say NO”, supported by Europol, to give advice to those who have been, or are likely to be targeted, and to strengthen reporting and support mechanisms.

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Staying Safe Online

This guide examines some of the risks that lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) young people face online and using the experiences of schools the guidance provides practical ways for professionals and parents to help young people stay safe online.

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An Introduction to Supporting LGBT Young People: A Guide for Schools

Produced by Stonewall, this guidance helps school staff understand and meet the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) students. It contains practical guidance and outlines where support might be the same or different for lesbian, gay or bisexual students, and trans students. This guide covers how staff can keep young people safe online.

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Sexting and Young People: The Parent's View

The UKCCIS Evidence Group produce a series of Research Highlights featuring the latest academic findings regarding children's media use. This highlight is a summary of the results of a large scale survey undertaken by FACTs International, on behalf of the NSPCC, between February and April 2016. The study examined explored parent’s knowledge and perceptions of sexting

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The Impact of Online Pornography on Children and Young People

The UKCCIS Evidence Group produce a series of Research Highlights featuring the latest academic findings regarding children's media use. This highlight summarises the results of a large scale, multi-method research project examining the experiences and perceptions of online pornography of young people aged 11-16 in the UK.

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Childline: Voicebox

Childline have created a YouTube series featuring 'familiar faces' from across the internet. The YouTube 'influencers' pass on practical advice, words of encouragement and kick-start big discussions on the issues that affect young people.

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Royal Society Public Health and the Young Health Movement have published a new report, #StatusOfMind, examining the positive and negative effects of social media on young people’s health. The report includes a league table of social media platforms according to their impact on young people’s mental health and well-being.

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Child sexual exploitation: definition and guide for practitioners

The Home Office have produced updated guidance for professionals on the definition of child sexual exploitation, potential vulnerabilities and indicators of abuse and appropriate action to take in response. This guidance is designed to be used by practitioners, local leaders and decision makers working to protect children from child sexual exploitation.

Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines

This guidance is produced by the Home Office for frontline professionals. This policy guidance gives informtion and advice on dealing with county lines and is part of the government’s approach to ending gang violence and exploitation.

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Thinkuknow: Parents and Carers

CEOP's Thinkuknow Parents and Carers site features a range of preventive and reactive advice to help keep children safe online. The site offers articles, films and guidance on how to report concerns to social media platforms.

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Professional Online Safety Helpline

The Professional Online Safety Helpline (POSH) is a free helpline and email service which aims to provide professionals with advice and support around a range of issues pertaining to children's safety online. This resource is designed to be used by professionals who work with children and young people.

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Internet Matters

Internet Matters offer a range of advice and resources for parents; carers and professionals to help keep children safe online. Developed in partnership with industry leaders, Internet Matters provides current, relevant information on a range of topics relating to e-safety and the digital world.

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Why CSA education isn't suitable for assemblies

We all have a duty to safeguard children, so delivering important messaging in assemblies may seem like a good way to reach all the children in your setting. However, not all education is suitable or safe to deliver in this way, particularly education to protect children from online sexual abuse. Find out more...